Priorities and Plans

The LEP has developed a number of priorities and plans to meet our objectives, which have been identified by working with stakeholders and partners.

The priorities, strategies, and plans which will enable this are detailed in this section, and are delivered by focusing on our five priorities and drivers for success. These are:

1) To drive the growth of the area’s defining and strongest sectors which offer the most competitive advantage

2) To grow specific opportunities identified as future defining features of the area

3) To drive this growth by putting expansion into new markets, modern telecommunications, infrastructure improvements and skills

4) To promote Greater Lincolnshire through improved transport infrastructure connecting trading markets and enabling better access to heritage, culture and communities

5) To recognise the need for new housing, and to support balanced housing and economic development by promoting our capacity to deliver high quality growth

The Greater Lincolnshire LEP has identified key sectors which have a competitive advantage...

The Greater Lincolnshire LEP has identified cross-cutting priority themes for significant ...

As the south-east of the UK continues to overheat from staggering costs and a shortage of ...

Accurate and targeted local data information forms the critical foundations of our strateg...

Covid Revival Plans


The transition period has ended and new rules are now in place.


The Greater Lincolnshire LEP has identified four key sectors which present game-changing, ...

How can you and your business or organisation respond to the situation in Ukraine and neig...

Devolution is the transfer of powers and funding from national government to local places,...