When Lincolnshire firm Worldwide Fruit wanted to deliver improved in-house food safety courses, Compliance Manager Julie Thorold approached the University of Lincoln about Skills Bootcamps. 

She agreed a tailored ‘train the trainer’ L4 Skills Bootcamp in Food Safety and Compliance, which met the company’s needs, and is now responsible for delivering in-house food safety courses at her workplace. 

“I’m responsible for food safety compliance at Worldwide Fruit Ltd, and as part of our Food Safety Culture Improvement Plans, we identified an opportunity to deliver better in-house food safety training courses,” said Julie.  

“I have a passion for teaching food safety, and I knew that this opportunity would allow me to develop my skills and meet a business need at the same time. 

“Although I had sufficient levels of food safety training, making me qualified in the subject I would be delivering, I had never attended a formal ‘train the trainer’ course.” 

Julie and her employer chose the Skills Bootcamps as they offered some practical training as well as a theoretical element. Julie had an initial meeting with Sharon Green to discuss the format and delivery of the course, and together they agreed how the hours would be utilised to meet Julie’s needs. 

“The course was designed very much around what I wanted to get out of it,” she said. “I had access to other lecturers and was able to observe the delivery of short courses, allowing me to get a practical insight and ask questions around planning and delivery of courses.  

“I also had the opportunity to deliver some short courses for the National Centre for Food Manufacturing in Holbeach, which gave me valuable hands-on experience of delivering to a range of delegates.  

“Finally, I spent time with the admin team to understand the requirements relating to enrolment and assessment of accredited courses.” 

Having completed the Skills Bootcamp, Julie is now looking forward to using her training to develop her career. 

“I chose the Skills Bootcamp because, unlike other standard ‘train the trainer’ courses, this course offered me the flexibility to get real, hands-on experience,” she said. “It also gave me the confidence to know that I can deliver courses successfully. 

“Since completing the course I’ve taken on responsibility for delivering in-house food safety courses at Worldwide Fruit, and I’ve also pursued a full-time career as a lecturer in Food Quality Assurance and Technical Management.”